jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

Student's demonstrations

Student’s demonstrations are necessary, but I think it has to be so careful, why? Because you can’t require a good education and all the aspects that it includes, if you aren’t studying. You have to require education broadcasting education, culture, and those types of things.
In 2002 in Chile, was the Penguins’ Revolution, the mostly schools stopped their classes and reported culture in the streets; they informed all the people what was happening. This movement didn’t succeeded all the things that they wanted, but all the country remember this demonstration. This never happened before. I think it’s so important that the students show what they want, what they need, and especially show that they are the future of Chile, so they have to require the bets.
Sadly, the government in this country has too many vested interests and they don’t give the real importance to issues that are very important. They ensure for their own interests, and their interests aren’t always what people really need.
I participated in those manifestations. It is a very important experience in my life. I’m agree with student’s demonstrations, but we have to be clear in what we want and the effective form of show it. It we stop the classes for a long time and we are not achieving nothing, we are losing. I think to that if you decided be inside it, you have to be informed, you can’t be inside in a demonstration for something that you don’t really know.
So, in conclusion, a student’s demonstration has to be intelligent, has to use good forms to informant to the people what they want and has to be consequently.

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