jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

Alberto Hurtado

Alberto Hurtado, he was born in 1901 in Cruchaga, Viña del Mar. In 1905 his dad’s death had

problematic consequences: some lands were sold so cheap, it was an injustice. Alberto Hurtado was to be a priest, but It was so expensive and he and his mom was broke, so Alberto decided study law, with that recover his lands and give the money to her mom. Then when it was done he got in to the seminary and he archived what he wanted, be a priest.
Since that, he did very good things. He went out in the nights to give food and blankets to poor people how live in the street, then he built the “Christ’s Home”, It is a house where vagrants and beggars can eat something and sleep there for the night. Between other good things.
It was deed so important, because he left everything to do right actions, first he studied to get money and keep god his mom, then he left that, being able to get much more money with his career. Hi decided to dedicate his life to poor people, there are very few people in the world how do it, how left everything to give all what they can for the needy people. For there is born the characteristic phrase of Alberto Hurtado: “DAR HASTA QUE DUELA”.
If I could know him, If I could ask something him… I would ask him: Who did you do it? Who did you decide to dedicate your life to poor people ?

independent of the religion, he was a good person, whether or not done by God, he did it, and I don't know anyone who do it again.

1 comentario:

  1. he is the best chilean with the people how most need help, like Benito Baranda.
    One of teh best chilean ever

    good choise palomita
